Read Eugenia’s testimony about being a Leader for Media Missionaries as an Area Coordinator and not using a computer, email or even a car! click here


See what it was like in our Video Slideshow! See it by clicking here. Our Annual National Media Missionary Gathering, 2023 in Birmingham Alabama, in conjunction with the Family Celebration was a great treat for us and all those who attended. It was the most well attended gathering to date, standing room only for some!

The Gathering started at 6pm CT, Friday evening, August 25th. Fr, Joseph spoke and there was a reception at 7pm,. If you came early John Paul was having ice breakers until 6pm!

Jim Pinto (our Department Director and co host of @Home with Jim & Joy) also spoke, along with Spencer Swope (Regional Manager of the Southern states in the US) and Nerissa Flores (Regional Manager of all of Canada) and John Paul & I (from our office) too.

We had a Q&A session with all who came! Great questions, statements & ideas were shared. Our Nacho Bar, was a big hit.

Hope to see you there next time!

God bless, Carlos


Thank you for attending in Phoenix! If you missed the National Media Missionary Gathering, we hope you can make it next year!

Fr. Joseph Mary and Jim Pinto gave an inspiring and rousing talk! Walter Cordova, and Media Missionary staff also spoke. We were all so blessed to be able to fellowship with each of you!